Bishop Amat's Student Newspaper

The Lance

Bishop Amat's Student Newspaper

The Lance

Bishop Amat's Student Newspaper

The Lance

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Lancers stumble against Campbell Hall in a Beach Volleyball clash

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Future Stars: Gabriel Guerrero and Daniel Albidrez

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The ecstatic Senior Night win against La Salle

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Dynamics 2023

The all-senior Dynamics do some vocal exercises.

Daniel Salamat, the newest member of the Dynamics, may not know what singing in an acapella group entails, but Karol, the President, knows what it takes to successfully perform in front of the entire school.


The Dynamics, Bishop Amat’s pop-acapella group made entirely up of seniors, is planning to utilize their experienced members of two years, and their new members to build up from their successes of the last year and compose new music. 


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“I’m just excited to see what songs we’re going to sing this year,” said senior Daniel Salamat, “I think pep rallies are going to be the most fun. I get to sing in front of a lot of people.”


Salamat is one of the newest members of the group. Since joining, he has been performing at games, pep rallies, and visit days. Other members also express their excitement for the year and the songs they are planning to sing.


“I would like to sing ‘Problem’ by Ariana Grande. Pentatonix has an arrangement which is very cool,” says Karol Espinoza, the Dynamics President, “I’m super excited. I really just like being able to get out of class a little early or during lunch and meet up with the group to practice before.” 


As president, Espinoza is positive and confident going into the upcoming year stating, “It’s really fun. This is a really great group and it’s great to be able to lead everyone.”


Mrs. Escovar, the director of the Dynamics, expresses her sadness about all the members being seniors saying, “I watched a lot of them grow over the past few years, some of them came in as sophomores and now they’re seniors so it’s a little bittersweet. I’m also a little bit nervous about next year because I’m not training anybody new.”


However, Escovar remains hopeful for her group explaining, “Some goals I have this year are to help them to be able to ‘improv’ more freely…with more confidence. And I also would like to hopefully take them to a couple of competitions or at least one this year. That’s kind of my big goal. And also having them write their own music.” 


The Dynamics have many goals and expectations for the new year. Audiences can watch the acapella group at several school events, where the new songs and arrangements will be through the roof! `≈